Coach Kinsey: Tickled PINK

Tickled PINK

I bolted upright in bed, heart pumping, adrenalin flowing . . . there were unmistakable bumps and thuds going on in the room next to mine. .I knew immediately that Rick was in trouble.  I jumped out of bed and ran into his room; as suspected, he was in a full blown diabetic seizure. He was jerking and convulsing so violently that I had to pin him down in order to protect him from injury.  It was like riding a wild bull.  He kept throwing me off and I kept throwing my body back over his to restrain him.

In the past thirty plus years I have witnessed countless seizures; they are usually over in about 8 minutes.  When it goes longer, we need to call for help.  This seizure was still going after 15 minutes.  I called 911 while attempting to keep Rick from harm. No easy task there.  Thirty minutes later the paramedics were on the scene.  Rick finally came around and was able to get his sugar stabilized.  Paramedics left, we crashed. We both felt like we had just been in a boxing match.

Rick has been a diabetic since childhood.  Over the years it has become increasingly difficult to regulate the disease. Eventually we found ourselves in a season of turbulent years when his sugar level was on a constant roller coaster; it seemed we were calling the paramedics weekly.  I remember that it got so bad I even shopped for a black dress, just in case.  My daughter was getting married at the time and I cautioned her that she may need to get a backup officiate to replace her dad.  Our days were clouded with uncertainty and pain.

But then a miracle happened.   God provided Rick with an insulin pump.  It gave him a brand new life.  It gave us a brand new life.  For the past 10 years or so he has only had a few seizures, a sharp contrast to the 3-4 we were experiencing weekly before. Hallelujah!  What a relief.

But just a few weeks ago we found ourselves once again standing on the edge of another dark dawn.  Rick’s insulin pump died.  We have no medical insurance to order a replacement.  He had to go back to taking shots.  In just two days we were back to the old life.  Oh God, we can’t live like this!  We must find a way to get a new pump.  (These are not devices you can buy on eBay.  They are strictly regulated by the manufacturers; a new pump costs around $6-7000).  We asked for prayers and surfed the web to see if there was any assistance out there; some sites looked promising.

Meanwhile Rick went to the doctor for his quarterly check up. 
The Doc walked in and said, “So your pump died?”
“How are your sugars?”
“We need to talk about that.”
“Well, before we talk, let me ask you, would you like a new pump?”
“Of course, I would love a new pump!”
“Well, it just so happens that one of my patients recently got a new pump. Unfortunately, she died two weeks ago. Her husband brought her pump to us and asked us to give it to someone who could use it.”

(Rick picks himself off the floor and gets back in his chair.)

Doc continues, “We thought of two patients who could use the pump, you and another girl.  We have called her repeatedly and she has not answered.  So I guess the pump is yours.”

(Rick. Understandably. Cries.)

 “Looks like God provided for you.  Looks like he has a sense of humor too,” Doc said with a  smile.
"How’s that?” Rick inquires.
 “Well,” she laughed, “it’s PINK!” (Assistant opens the box and shows Rick)

Rick laughs with surprise, delight, and gratitude.

God performed another miracle.  A PINK miracle this time. Hallelujah! What a relief.

Rick came home wearing his new pink pump.  When he told me the story we laughed, cried, hugged, and praised God together. (We pretty much did that the for rest of the day)

God certainly does have a sense of humor.  And He certainly does have an enormous heart. Love Him.

Needless to say, we are humbled, grateful, amazed, and . . .

                                                             tickled PINK!


  1. God is so good. Thanks for sharing this amazing story.

  2. Oh Kinsey, That's beautiful. I am so happy to be joining you and your husband in praising God for His timing, His faithfulness and yes, His sense of humor.

  3. This story absolutely made my day! Your son is a wonderful person to sport a pink pump! God is so good! Thanks for an uplifting story.

  4. Great story..Thank you for sharing it with me. Makes me feel hopeful that God is always aware of our needs.

  5. Kinsey, even though you had told me this already, reading the story brought tears to my eyes.

  6. Kinsey, what a great, great story of God's awesome provision. He is so very amazing. There is a lot of diabetes in my family (my sister, two nieces, and one nephew) who are all on insulin. I think they all have insulin pumps too. God continues to take care of us. blessings, Amy

  7. Kinsey, when I saw the title, I just knew it had to be you! What a gift of telling God's story in such a beautiful way!

  8. Hi Kinsey,
    Thank you for sharing your faith filled journey. God definitely has a sense of humor.

  9. Kinsey, I was on a roller coaster reading your blog. I have a dear friend who's husband refused a pump for years and she, too, had to pin him down and try to stab the needle into him when his back was turned. It was HARD knowing what she was going through. Your post took me back there.

    Delighted for God's intervention and His sense of humor. Pink is a good color. Praising the Lord for His provision and His tenderlovingcare for all of you. (Sad the little girl died, though. But thankful for the generosity of her parents.) God bless you bunches.

    1. Thanks Pam. Rick had to register his new pink pump with the manufacturer and they offered to exchange it for a black one. Love this story.

  10. Kinsey,
    Praise God for Perfect Pink Pumps! Thank you for sharing this difficult journey with us. Isn't it awesome to see God's hand moving in stranger's lives and so fun to see Him when it can only be Him bringing the answer to prayer? Blessing to the Preacher and many years of steady blood sugars with the pink pump! Rayna

    1. Thanks Rayna. Rick had to register his new pink pump with the manufacturer and they offered to exchange it for a black one. More smiles.

  11. We all need a reminder now and then of how God often provides, but not in the way we would ask or imagine! I'm so glad to hear God met your need.
