I wanted my mom to love and cherish me. To teach me how to
dress, wear makeup, choose friends, show hospitality, and find a mate. To hold
me when the world was harsh, to comfort me when my dreams were shattered, to listen
with rapt attention to my ideas and prattle.
To be proud of me for starring in the school play, to slip me notes in
my lunch. To crawl in bed with me and
giggle, tell me stories, hold me tight, and kiss my eyes closed. She never did.
It was difficult for mom to raise five children. Kind words, encouragement, and praise were seldom spoken. Disparaging remarks and criticism were more the norm. Mom scared me; I never felt emotionally safe with her. Most of my childhood was spent flying under the radar, avoiding the fray. As I grew older, my wounds became the breeding ground for resentment and bitterness. By the time I left home, I wanted to walk away and never look back.
But God.
God taught me a better
way; the way of love. Mercifully, He would not let me walk away. He
would not let bitterness and resentment define me. It took years of messy work
to uproot those enemies. He helped me see the deep pain in my
mother’s soul that prevented her from receiving and expressing love. She was gripped with fear and anxiety and
inner sufferings of her own. God graced
my heart with compassion and forgiveness.
He helped me to let go of my expectations and to treat mom with respect
and dignity. But He didn’t stop there.
He taught me to love her in the ways I longed to be loved.
Long story short, when mom was no longer able to live independently,
the Preacher and I took up residence with her.
For years we watched both her mind and body decay. She was utterly dependent on us for every
Not only did she need us to watch over her, but mom’s body needed attention. Touching my mom
was uncharted territory; the thought of it made my stomach queasy. Don’t get me wrong, I love touch; it’s one of
my love languages. But touching my
mom? That was a different story. There was no familiarity and no emotional
connection; caring for her body took me to a whole other level. I had to cut her nails, clean her nose,
irrigate her ears, wash her hair, change her diaper, bandage her wounds and do all
manner of stuff too personal to write here.
Our loving Father used this experience to close the gap on love. I did all these things dutifully and kindly.
But God.
(There are those two words again).
He spoke to me one day about mom. “She’s my princess, my darling Bobbie. Thank you for caring for her. I love her so much and I can’t wait until she
is here with me. Until then Kinsey, let
her know how much I love her. Be me with skin on.” Whoa.
When He exposed His heart toward my mom I was floored. I saw her in a new light; she was one of
God’s greatest treasures.
God flipped a switch in me. The next day I went into her
room with an awareness that I was entering sacred territory. God’s princess was lying in the bed, His
beloved “Bobbie.” I bent down
and smothered my mom’s face and neck with kisses. That day my touch went from holy duty to holy
relating. The healing in my soul was complete. Praise God.
Since then, I’ve lost count of the kisses and tender touches
I’ve given mom. But it wasn’t me, it was
the God of the universe loving on His princess.
I was just the vessel.
In my life I’ve made a lot of mistakes, wounded many people,
and failed to love. But there is this
one little place in my soul – where love won out. And if I don’t get anything
else right I can revel in the transformation of my heart towards my
Mom went to Jesus a few days ago. I had one hand on her head, brushing back her
hair, and one hand over her chest feeling it rise and fall. Her breath became shallower and shallower,
the rise and fall became barely noticeable.
Then it stopped. She left this earth while I was touching her and entered into heaven where Jesus was waiting with
“Kisses for Bobbie.”
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Mother's Day 2016 |
When I die don’t cry for me
In my Father’s arms I’ll be
The wounds this world left on my
Will all be healed and I’ll be
It don’t matter where they bury me
I’ll be home and I’ll be free
It don’t matter where I lay
All my tears be washed away.
I love you Mom! I can hardly wait for us to look in each other's eyes and love deeply, purely, and completely from a place of perfect holiness.
Mom did love us; she just didn’t know how to express
it. We have found some of her prayer
journals in which she desperately sought God’s transformation of her tongue and
heart. She matured into a very generous woman who sponsored countless orphans
through Compassion international, and other good works for God. Additionally, she was a gracious and loving
MeeMaw to her grandchildren.
Broken people can be used by God. In fact, it’s the only kind of people He
uses! Like me, Mom got it right in some
areas, and not so good in others. It
seems contradictory, but that’s how it is when God is in the process of
cleaning up our messy hearts and lives.
Some things won’t be fixed until glory.
Until then, we need to give each other’s imperfections wide berth. God is transforming us all in His own time and
way. One day we will all live in holy