Coach Kinsey: Another day in the life of God . . .

Another day in the life of God . . .

An excerpt from Kinsey's journal 

K: So, how are you Father? What have you been up to today?

G: I’m great Kinsey girl.  I’ve been very busy.  I adopted some more children into my family today.  I welcomed some children home into my arms.  I breathed life into all newborns as they made their entry into your world.  I celebrated the natural births as well as the spiritual ones.  The angels get very excited up here about regeneration.  They create quite a stir with their rejoicings- heaven is a very “happening” place.  I can’t wait until you get here Kinsey girl.

K: Me neither!

G: Many of my children called out in distress to me today.  Some of them had very bad news – sickness, financial loss, shattered dreams, innocence stolen, abandonment, jobs lost, lives lost, marriages ended . . .I listened to their cries for help. I held them as they wept.  Some of them are very angry with me.  I wish they could see what I see.  I wish they would trust me – that I will right every wrong, mend every heart, bring healing and restoration and glory from their woes.  I spoke words of comfort to those who would hear.

I also fed the birds, watered the earth, calmed the seas, brought forth the sun, kept everything spinning in space, gave breath to every living creature, stopped Satan when he pushed his boundaries, held the ocean in place, watched the whales frolic, gave fishermen big nets of fish, kept a toddler from injury, brought healing to bodies, refreshment to souls, doled out forgiveness in mega doses and so much more.

But in the middle of all my doing – I’ve been watching you, as you – set up your new printer, defrag your computer, watch the stock market, work on homework, exercise and plan. . .


Whoa! My journals are full of back and forth conversations with God; this is one of my favorites.  It makes me want to throw my arms around Him and tell Him how much I love Him.It makes me want to kneel before Him in awe and worship.
I share this because it is good to stop and reflect on what the Sovereign Lord does. Naturally, the list could go on, and on, and on.  I didn’t want to dress it up for the blog, so I copied it straight from the journal. 

What does it stir in you?



  1. Wow I love the 'Father' voice of God in this blog...this is the way I love to think of Him when I pray. What a great idea to keep a journal of conversations with our Father!

    1. Thank you Debi. The above entry was from May of 2007 - that's how long God and I have been corresponding in this way. It is the single most significant discipline I have ever entered, and I have fallen madly in love with Him. I make it a point not to share current entries in order to circumvent any fleshly leanings to write to my readers instead of my God. Grace to you. Start journaling!

  2. With your post, I'm more aware of the reality of God in my daily walk. This is such a unique view of God. It has helped to reframe my perspective. My faith has grown.

    Thank you.

    1. . . .and that is the whole point of this blog. Thank you Scott.

  3. Love the blog, Kinsey. It reminds me of my intimate conversations with my Father. I'm so glad that I have a God who speaks, aren't you?

  4. Thank you Kim. Yes, I love it that He speaks. We have many middle of the night rendezvous. Almost all journal entries are between 1 and 5 a.m. Smile.

  5. "I've been watching you." So reassuring. So simple. So easy to recall. Thanks for a meaningful post!

  6. Very interesting blog. Love the intimacy and presence it evokes!!!

  7. Thanks for sharing the intimacies between you and God. I LOVE how your converse with each other...He's so personal to EACH of us, isn't He? What you heard makes me want to throw my arms around Him too.
